Interposing Relay is the auxiliary relay which is used to isolate the two different systems / devices. This could be because they have different 0V references, different voltages, AC vs. DC. Interposing Relay We discuss the interposing relay with two cases, as discussed below : Case-I Suppose we want to operate a Contactor through PLC Panel having Coil Voltage 230 V AC, But PLC relay Output Voltage is 24 V DC. In this case we require a Interposing relay Having Coil Voltage 24 V DC but its contact rating should be 230 V AC. So PLC relay will operate interposing relay first & then through its Auxiliary contacts We can Operate Contactor easily. Case-II For example, let’s say the relay of a PLC can only avail 1 A at 110 VAC, but the Controller which is to be connected to the relay requires 3 A at 110 VAC. In this case, an interposing relay with contacts rated for operation at 5 A(>3 A) at 110 VAC would be used as an interposing relay “between” the PLC relay and the Controller. ...
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