Note: This root cause analysis (RCA) is from real-time scenarios that happened in industries during the tenure of two or three decades ago. These articles will help you to improve your troubleshooting skills and knowledge. Choked Control Valve with Whisper Trim Cage Usually producing > 1600 T/d a Saudi 1500 T/d NH3 plant could not produce > 1450 T/d. The operations engineer called the author to resolve this problem. The author found 7% less than the setpoint flow even with 100% open flow control valve (FCV) suggested choked control valve (CV). The valve nameplate told whisper trim cage – cage with numerous 2-mm holes drilled – fitted CV. The NG carried over tarry matter choking the holes during the two years of > 1600T/d NH3 production is easy. Fortunately, this CV had rare block and bypass valves. The author asked the operation superintendent to transfer the NG flow control to the bypass valve, close the block valves, drain the control valve (CV) and hand it over to him ...
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