To study the working of Up Counter PLC program in Allen Bradley Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Down Counter In the above picture, there are totally three parameter, COUNTER: C4:0 – Counter File name (TimerC5:0, C5:1,C5:2…) PRESET – PRE : Limit value of COUNT-Up to how much it should count ACCUMULATOR – ACC : Running Value of counter when condition turn ON. From the data file,along with preset and accumulator, we have few more bits, CD: Countdown Bit-whenever the counter is enable makes this bit to go ON. DN: Done Bit-When accumulator value equals preset value, done bit turns to ON. UA: Counter Underflow – When accumulator value reached the limit value (-32767),it rolls back to +32767 for the upcoming counter operation, underflow bit turns ON, in this condition. Notes: UA – Update Accumulator Value-Only used when high speed counters are used in the program. CU & OV – Used for Up Counter Function. Down Counter Description Using PLC Program I:0/0 is used to give inpu...
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