Because there are so many potential reasons for solenoid valves to malfunction, they are often thought to be complex, trouble-prone devices. Actually, they are quite simple and very reliable. Many of the problems originate outside the valves themselves, while others are caused by mis-application or improper installation. Troubleshooting should begin with a check of the voltage and pressure input. The problem may be caused by an inoperative control relay or a fluctuating pressure regulator. If voltage and pressure are correct inspect the valve. The main reasons a direct-acting solenoid valve fails to operate: ● Low or no voltage ● Burned-out solenoid ● Pressure higher than the valve’s rating ● Foreign matter in the valve ● Binding core or damaged core tube To operate properly, a solenoid valve core must move within the core tube and contact the plugnut when the coil is energized. You should hear a sharp metallic click at energization. Absence of the click usually indicates an elect...
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