To study the working of Up Counter PLC program in Allen Bradley Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
Down Counter
In the above picture, there are totally three parameter,
COUNTER: C4:0 – Counter File name (TimerC5:0, C5:1,C5:2…)
PRESET – PRE : Limit value of COUNT-Up to how much it should count
ACCUMULATOR – ACC : Running Value of counter when condition turn ON.
From the data file,along with preset and accumulator, we have few more bits,
CD: Countdown Bit-whenever the counter is enable makes this bit to go ON.
DN: Done Bit-When accumulator value equals preset value, done bit turns to ON.
UA: Counter Underflow – When accumulator value reached the limit value (-32767),it rolls back to +32767 for the upcoming counter operation, underflow bit turns ON, in this condition.
UA – Update Accumulator Value-Only used when high speed counters are used in the program.
CU & OV – Used for Up Counter Function.
Down Counter Description Using PLC Program
I:0/0 is used to give input to counter and Preset value and accumulator value set to 5.
Counter Count Down Bit (C5:0/DN)
In the below Ladder logic,
Rung 0000
Having condition input I:0/0 which gives input to counter to perform counter down function.
Rung 0001
Having Counter CU Bit which enable only when counter is in function or when input to the counter turns ON and accumulator value counted down.
Rung 0002
Counter done bit turns on when accumulator value equals preset value.
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