To study the working of comparator blocks (EQU, NEQ, LES, GRT, LEQ and GEQ) using simple example in Allen Bradley programmable logic controllers (PLC).
Ccomparator in PLC
There are two parameter in each block,
Source A & Source B –where values are stored.
Description of Comparator Blocks :
Equal block is used to compare the two values stored in Source A and source B and gives output as “1” if both are equal and “0” if both are not equal.
Lesser than block is used to compare the two values stored in Source A and source B and gives output as “1” if Source A value is Lesser than Source B value and “0” if Source A value is greater than or equal to Source B value.
Lesser than or equal to block is used to compare the two values stored in Source A and source B and gives output as “1” if Source A value is lesser than or equal value to Source B value and “0” if Source A value is greater Source B value.
Not equal block is used to compare the two values stored in Source A and source B and gives output as “1” if Source A value is not same as Source B value and “0” if Source A value is same as Source B value.
Greater than block is used to compare the two values stored in Source A and source B and gives output as “1” if Source A value is Greater than Source B value and “0” if Source A value is lesser than or equal to Source B value.
Greater than or equal to block is used to compare the two values stored in Source A and source B and gives output as “1” if Source A value is Greater than or equal value to Source B value and “0” if Source A value is Lesser Source B value.
Let us understand the working of comparator block using simple example,
Program Logic
When start switch is pressed,
- If water level is below 5, motor should turn ON till water level reach 95.
- If water level indicates the value below 5, low level water alarm should ON.
- If water level indicates the value above 95, high level water alarm should ON.
- If water level is exactly at 95, steamer should turn ON.
- System under control indication should always ON when water level is not equal to 100.
PLC Input Output List
PLC Comparator Programming
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