Often Δp meters are described in terms of their beta value and diameter to fit a certain pipeline size, for example, a 4-inch β= 0.6 Venturi tube.
To state that a Δp meter has a low beta ratio, for example β = 0.2, means the plate has a small hole or restriction size.
This causes the pressure loss across the Δp meter to be higher, which may mean that a pump with a higher discharge pressure (hence more expensive) or compressor will be needed to overcome the increased pressure loss and maintain a flow rate achievable with a larger beta Δp meter.
On the other hand a higher differential pressure can generally be measured more accurately than a lower one.
an increase in the discharge coefficient uncertainty
a lower differential pressure being measured across the orifice plate (and this can be more difficult to measure)
longer lengths of upstream straight pipe being required to ensure the velocity profile of the flow through the orifice plate is stable and symmetrical
the flow profile of the flow through the orifice being more affected by the roughness of the pipe walls
There are a number of sizing packages for orifice plates available, which will calculate the dimensions of the plate required. The software uses empirical formulae based on actual testing. Most of the results are available for beta values of 0.3 to 0.7.
Low cost
Ease of installation
Availability of comprehensive standard (ISO 5167-2)
No requirement for calibration – value of C from the standard
Availability of different designs, e.g. for viscous fluids, bi-directional flows, suspended solids
Low turndown (can be improved with dual range Δp cells)
High pressure loss (35 to almost 100% of measured Δp depending on beta)
Errors due to erosion / damage to upstream edges
Errors due to high sensitivity to upstream installation (especially large beta devices)
Discharge coefficient (C)
The discharge coefficient, C, is a parameter that takes account of non-ideal effects, for example energy losses due to friction, when using Δp meters.
The discharge coefficient is basically the ratio of the actual to the measured mass flow rate.
The discharge coefficient can either be:
determined from a standard
provides good flow measurement at a reasonable price
is especially suitable where repeatability is more important than accuracy
2. determined by calibration
provides lower uncertainties on the flow measurement.
In nozzles and Venturi tubes the flow follows the boundary of the tube closely and the value of C is usually close to one.
However, for orifice plates C has a value of approximately 0.6. Values of C can be obtained from the standard (ISO 5167) for nozzles, Venturi tubes and orifice plates that are manufactured to the specified tolerances of the standard.
Turndown of a DP meter
The turndown of a meter is the ratio of the maximum to the minimum flowrate that can be accurately measured. Ideally a large a turndown ratio is desirable to measure a wide range of flowrates
Square relationship between flowrate and Δp:
If the flowrate is 50% of the full scale, then the Δp is at 25% of the full Δp scale
If the flowrate is 25% of the full scale, then the Δp is at 6.25% of the full Δp scale
The following graph illustrates the square relationship between the differential pressure and the flowrate.
This shows that a turndown of 10:1 on flowrate will require a 100:1 turndown on pressure measurement (this is provided the density is approximately constant e.g. for a liquid).
As it is very difficult to obtain accurate measurements over such a large range of Δp values from a simple transmitter, this means that the typical turndown of a Δp meter is actually limited to approximately 4:1 to obtain an accurate measurement of flowrate.
At low values of the flowrate the Δp transmitter uncertainty increases significantly. For example, a Δp cell can typically offer an uncertainty of 0.2% of Full Scale (FS). This means that, at 1% FS, the uncertainty of the differential pressure would be 20%. Therefore at low flowrates it becomes much more difficult to measure the Δp.
The turndown of the meter can be extended to around 10:1 if multiple range transducers are used. For example, one Δp transducer could be ranged for 1 – 10% FS and another over the range of 10 – 100% FS.
Calculating the mass flow rate using DP devices
Once a value for the Δp has been obtained, the mass flow can be calculated using the following formula.
For liquids the mass flow is given by:
C is the discharge coefficient
At is the throat area (restriction)
Δp is the differential pressure
p is the density of the fluid
d is the diameter of the throat
D is the pipe diameter
Owing to the compressibility of gases an additional parameter called the expansibility factor, ε, is used within the mass flow equation to account for the gas density changing as the pressure drops at the restriction.
For gases the mass flow is given by:
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